MONTHLY Meetings & Other Campus Events
AGAPE Campus Care Day - 1st Saturday of the month - 8 to 11 am (or whatever time you can spare) This volunteer opportunity helps with the general campus cleanup and general maintenance inside or outside. Join us for whatever time you can.
Also feel free to come on campus anytime, at your convenience to clean up downed branches or pull weeds OR Adopt a Plot or Pot to care for a specific space.
ALL TEAMS Meeting & Potluck - 1st Sunday of the month, following Sunday Service Bldg A/Chapel - Check ALL the Teams available under Groups to see which one or ones you would like to participate in and join us for the meetings.
AMUGE Fun Game Night - 2nd Monday of the month - 5 to 7 pm - Bldg A/Chapel - Bring a snack and play Yahtzee, cards, Dominos and board games. Bring yours or join others.
Board of Trustees Meeting - 4th Sunday of the month - ALL members welcome to attend.
Other Community Meetings - Everyone Welcome
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous - Thursdays 5:30 - Bldg A
NA - Narcotics Anonymous - Mondays 6:30 - 8:30 Bldg A
OA - Overeaters Anonymous - No meetings at this time.