Volunteer Team Opportunities

Volunteer teams at UFM

It Take a CommUnity: Join one or more of our Teams!

There are many volunteer opportunities to support our spiritual home, family and friends at UFM. Volunteering is a wonderful way to get connected, make new friends, give of yourself, become part of something larger than yourself, and grow spiritually through service. While a few ministry teams require UFM membership or special training, most are open to anyone who wishes to become involved.

Every team Welcomes new members! YOU can make a difference. All are on a volunteer basis to help as you are able. There are monthly all teams meeting and a potluck on the first Sunday of the month after Services. Come and check out all the teams you would be interested in.  

Volunteers Needed for EVERY Team. What are your special talents or interests? 

Team work makes the dream work!

Review the opportunities listed below and consider which ones you would like to support. Please either complete the form at the bottom of this page, call the office at 239-278-1511, or email  office@UnityofFortMyers.org

Click on plus sign to see description and more

Team Leader - Jan Williams & Victor Simonelli

The AV Team provides audio and visual technical support for the many activities of our church home. This includes:

 * Management of soundAV team 2 systems (live and recorded),

* PowerPoint, and video support for weekly services, holidays, special events, concerts, weddings and memorials.

* Sound Board:

* Camera Operators:

This team provides an opportunity for individuals with technical aspirations and abilities to give service in a team atmosphere while receiving training in technical areas as needed. 

Anyone who knows or is willing to learn any of the specialties or is willing to learn is WELCOME and Needed! Training available!


Co Leads - Russ Walton and Barbara Havens

The Building and Grounds Team creates and maintains the beautiful space where our community can practice Unity sacred principles in a safe, peaceful, and beautiful environment. We are greatly in need of many hands and help for everyday and urgent needs. Anyone familiar with building maintenance or landscape ability are urgently needed.

The First Saturday morning, usually 8:30 to 11, of each month - come when you can, leave when you want. Volunteers gather for a Campus Care Day to help maintain our buildings and the 10 acres of our spiritual home. The property includes the Chapel House, the Sanctuary, the Meditation Gazebo, the Bell Tower, the strolling the path around Peace Lake, and various areas to sit, meditate, and observe the wildlife. 

There's also many projects that need to be cared for INSIDE of both buildings. Everyone can support our community and campus with a little TLC.

OR - Come any day or time you can. The list of things needed is on the Bulletin Board in the Lanai. 

Campus Care volunteers

Campus Care volunteers

Campus Care volunteers

A variety of projects to keep our home clean and beautiful.                                                                       Kids love to help in the garden

Everyone welcome to come when you can and leave when you need. A light lunch is provided.

Garden ClubAnyone is welcome to come at any time or day that is convenient for them to pick up or trim branches or weed or plant flowers or whatever they see needs a little TLC.

 Bring the Kids -they love to help!





OR Join our new Garden Club, Contact Sue Haberkorn - dygsue1024@gmail.comadopt a pot 1

 you can Adopt a Pot or a Plot that you will specifically care for Adopt a Plot.

 Create your own special little corner of beauty.






butterfly gardenThe new Butterfly Garden  will begin in soon outside the screened Lanai.  

 New members are Welcome to help us create this new, sustainable garden -future butterfly garden

 contact Sue at dygsue1024@gmail.com



EVENTS TEAM - Former team leader moving - Do you have experience in creating, planning and executing special events and fund raiser? Please contact Rev Crystal Muldrow in the office.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!  If you have great event ideas or love planning events this is the team for YOU. Here at UFM we have a variety of spaces to accommodate all types of events both inside and outside. Contact the office at 239-278-1511. You do not need to be a registered member to join this team.  

Bible Bad Girls Tuttle ConcertMusic Guest


Team Leader:  Lynda Lee  - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - 1 hour after Sunday services, to manage & sell a wide variety of inspirational and fun items to members and visitors.

The Higher Shelf Team supports the mission of UFM by being a resource/gateway to Unity principles. The books, audio and visual selections, and other gift items available represent values of love, joy, and spirituality.

higher shelf bookstore slide

 Team  - Karen Reed, Nancy Nier, Michelle Turns

 Community Health NursesThe Faith Community Nurse and healthcare ministry team helps raise the consciousness of UFM in wellness,   wholeness, and disease prevention. Services provided for the congregation include free blood pressure and other   vital sign checks and private counseling for health care concerns.   

 If you have nursing experience we invite you to join the team!

Team Leader: Cherri Galvin and Barbara Havens

Coordinates all UFM events on campus in which food and beverage are involved, such as Sunday Coffee, potlucks, and special events. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help especially with clean-up after the many Sunday potlucks.

This team provides a way to welcome new and prospective members and also serves as a doorway for anyone interested in participating as a volunteer in our service community. Team members may help on a one-time basis or as often as desired to assist with preparation and cleanup after events. 

Mother's Day event  New Year's Eve Party

Team Leader: Tracy LeBrun

The Marketing Team supports the mission of UFM Special Events, Concerts and  Projects. If you have a marketing background we need YOU - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Marketing background very helpful. Volunteers create and promote events via press releases, advertisement campaigns and materials for all UFM events and projects.

Team Lead - Christina Bowman

The platform team serves to support the minister during Sunday Services and lead the way for Meditation, Inspiration and Transformation during the service. The team conducts the announcements, inspirational readings, prayer chaplain introduction, and children's blessing.

You must be a member and will receive training for this inspirational opportunity.

Team Lead Cherrie Galvin

The Prayer Chaplain Program empowers all to pray with one another, recognizing God’s presence and power in every moment. Our Prayer Prayer box blessing 1  Prayer Box 2   Chaplains support you in prayer, knowing what a great blessing it is to pray with another. All prayer   requests are held in the strictest confidence. Being a Prayer Chaplain is a way to express one’s divine potential while achieving deeper spiritual fulfillment.

 If you think you would like to serve as a Prayer Chaplain, we invite you to pray about your calling.  Stepping up to this sacred service also is stepping up to your next level of spiritual growth. People who volunteer to be a Prayer Chaplain agree to take on certain responsibilities, including a one-year commitment to serve, maintaining a personal prayer life, and making wellness and visitation calls to members of our congregation when available.

Publix Pickup volunteers

Publix Bakery Sunday Pickup - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED -

Temporary Lead: Nancy Nier - nnier@sbcglobal.net Team Coordinator (to schedule the volunteers who will pick up each Sunday from one Publix)

Volunteers NEEDED - sign-up for the Sundays YOU are available to pickup bread and goodies for all of our members and visitors to enjoy after service or take home a treat.

These items vary from week to week and are available for everyone attending the Sunday service.  Hot coffee and goodies are available after service to enjoy while visiting with friends or take home. Items left over after noon are taken by 2 designated volunteers to other non-profit organizations.

Social Media Team - Leader, Sue Haberkorn  - dygsue1024@gmail.com

This team loves using the computer and social media. Creating and updating our Website, Facebook posts and pages and other social media methods.

NEEDED - Someone who is familiar with various social media outlets. 

Team Leader Sue Haberkorn - dygsue1024@gmail.com

Everyone at Unity of Fort Myers is ready to welcome members and visitors alike. This is our spiritual home and family and everyone is welcome.

As a member of the Welcome Team we are in the lobby each Sunday to be the first to greet everyone with a warm, loving, embracing experience.  As a member you choose the Sundays that work for you! It only requires about 2 hours per Sunday during the service – and you are already here! Our chores are easy – we provide information for our visitors and welcome everyone as they enter. and prepare the Sanctuary for the services. We collect the tithes and thank all as they leave. It takes 3 or 4 volunteers each week. A weekly update is sent to all volunteers each week to help inform you of the upcoming events and allow you to sign up for the weeks you will help.

We are called ushers or greeters in other churches. Some of our Team in Action. Doris welcomes Deb                                                                                                                                                                            

Ada with Bulletins Sue Guest    Nancy CherieHelen and Dale

Team Leader Kathy Pugliese, a professional teacher and Unity trained teacher. 

Kathy Pugleise winning teacher

The Youth Ministry supports the mission of UFM through inspiring our youth to develop their personal relationship with God. Unity principles are learned by drawing out the Spiritual truths from the Christ within. This experienced group of leaders inspire our community’s youth to develop their personal relationships with themselves, each other, and with God.

Using games, art, performance, prayer, meditation, occasional on- and off-site events, and more, we help our young people discover their own talents, learn respect, express compassion, and offer selfless service to each other and their own community Volunteers needed every Sunday. You will receive the necessary training and your availability will be scheduled.

Youth and Family Ministry

For further information, click here


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